Micro Markets or Vending Machines – who wins? When that 3pm snack attack slaps you straight in the face, there is nothing more welcoming than a self-service area within the comforts of your workplace where you can satisfy that craving.
Traditionally, vending machines have been the long-established and truly trusted option used in most workplaces around the world. However, Micro Markets are becoming more so the next big thing in the future of workplace vending. Although the question begs, why would you choose a Micro Market over a Vending Machine – what do they have to offer that the traditional self-service way doesn’t, and which do you choose for your business?
What are Micro Markets?
Micro Markets are a self-serve convenience store that are easily accessible and available 24/7. They are often built on a larger scale than that of a vending machine site though this has changed recently as pantry style Micro Markets are becoming increasingly popular in smaller locations. Micro Markets are largely known for offering a greater variety of fresh food & drink, healthy food alternatives and other non-food items. As you’re not limited by spiral sizes in a vending machine, options are endless.
Since the rise of Covid-19, the health and well-being of ourselves as well as our staff is of utmost importance – most definitely in the workplace. And nutrition or lack of, has a major impact on things such as energy levels and productivity, to name a couple. So instead of having staff skip a break or hit that 3pm slump, a Micro Market installed within the office lunch space means there will always be nourishment available, 24/7/365, seconds from their desks.
What about vending machines?
Vending machines have long been the popular choice and for good reason. They are a quick, convenient, and accessible source of nutrition which employees can benefit from. In years gone by, the stigma of vending machines being the ‘unhealthy alternative’ was obvious, however more so now, healthy food alternatives have made it a convenient way to eat better, on the go.
Micro Markets or Vending Machines. Which one?
Let’s talk vending first.
- It’s a quick and easy setup
- You can easily find one to suit you location without having to change any office layouts.
- It’s automated and secure with a range of payment options (not just coins!)
- You can make them as healthy as you wish, but let’s be honest, almost everyone likes a chocolate!
- When you align yourself with a professional organisation such as Vendpro, you can choose a myriad of ways to purchase or lease your machine and rest assured – you will have professional maintenance assistance when needed.
Now to Micro Markets.
- Setup takes a little longer. You need to have a dedicated space, design your custom layout, then produce your market – so it may take a month or so before you’re up and running (vending machines can help until you are ready to go though ?) but the return on your investment will be worth the wait!
- Like vending machines, it’s an automated system that does not need an attendant to manage – just someone to stock the shelves when they are empty (similar to a vending machine).
- Provide your staff with the freshest of food on the daily and see their productivity rise.
- Also, like vending, it’s a cashless system so using a corporate swipe card and preload it to incentivise your staff, adds great benefits to both the employer and employees. And, with QR scanning available on the kiosk and App, it is a fully touchless and safe experience (checkout the various options from 365 micro markets here)
So, which should you go for?
Well, the short answer is – either or both!
A larger business may opt for a combination of Micro Market and vending machines instead of a café or cafeteria as it is more cost effective for them. Others may choose to have a few vending machines with various grab and go food options or a Micro Market with fewer food bays and fridges. As Micro Markets are fully scalable, it can be designed to custom fit your unique workplace requirements.
Get in touch and let us help you to choose the best solution for your workplace.